Fourth in the Four: Chapter 82 – The Dream-Mare, Part 2

Artemis – Uh.  Why are we in our pajamas?
Colt – Wait.. do we actually wear the same PJ bottoms?
Artemis – Hello! We were eating at the restaurant and I just woke up in a double bed in my PJs.  Keep up.
Colt – And your breath was foul, might want to go freshen up.
Artemis – Why is this happening to me!?

Colt – Here’s some of Gramma Janice’s famous Cheesecake.
Artemis – Aww. How sweet.  If you think you can butter me up with dessert, you have another thing coming buddy. *proceeds to eat half of it*

Artemis – Don’t you go looking flirty at me, Blue Eyes.  I don’t believe your story. *shakes her finger and head* You’re in on this and until I get to the bottom of this, there will be no more smiles or polite conversation.
Colt – Right because our conversations have been pure sunshine and rainbows up until this point.
Artemis – Do not mock me.  I don’t feel good.

Artemis – Oh Carl.  I never noticed how pungent the smell of those things are before.
Colt – Just toss it back like a man already and finish your little bunny placemat so you can be in a better mood.

Hostess – Welcome to Villa Bovine and this is your table.  I hope you enjoy your evening.
Artemis – Thanks.
Hostess – So when’s the baby due?
Artemis – Excuse me?  I’m not pregnant.  I’m fat.. like you.  This right here is the result of eating my feelings because I’ve been on one date after another with the man who tried to steal my wife several multiverses ago.  What’s your excuse?
Hostess – *grinding her teeth and maintaining a smile* Enjoy your meal!
Colt – Will you sit down, I’m hungry!

Colt – Ugh.  I probably shouldn’t have had that diner steak.
Artemis – Haha. Justice.  *turns towards fourth wall*  This is why we shouldn’t spend every hour of the day in various restaurants!
Colt – Will you quit talking to yourself, Woman, and get me a moodlet solver?

Colt – Man, I think there is a hair in my lobster
Artemis – *laughs maniacally*

Colt – I’m so glad this amuses you.
Artemis – This is what you get for bringing me to a seafood restaurant.
Colt – *mocks* Don’t look at me like that.  It’s all the sugar.
Artemis – What’s wrong with you?
Colt – You were flirting with Bjersen.

Artemis – Wait, you’re being serious aren’t you?
Colt – I’m getting a drink.
Artemis – We have got to get out of this dreamworld. You’ve gone soft, which means I’m next.

Colt – *drinks his favorite drink*
Artemis – Hi.  I’ll just take my favorite.
Jacques – Sure thing, hot stuff.
Artemis – You think I’m pretty, really?
Colt – Go away.

Artemis – Look I’m sorry.
Colt – You should be.
Artemis – I’m sure you didn’t want anyone to know your favorite drink is white nectar.
Colt – *growl*
Artemis – Unlike mine.. the manly beer.
Colt – You mean the hipster beer.
Artemis – Still a beer!

Artemis – See.. it’s just a food baby.
Colt – Dude.  Something kicked me.
Artemis – You have two seconds to revise that statement.
Colt – No, I’m serious. Check your moods.

Artemis – Ow.. Ow ow ow. This whole dream is killing my back.  Okay.  So… WWRD?  What would Rica do.. What would she do?

Artemis – What did she do.  Oh.  I know! We get the girls massages.  Can’t seem to leave the house so.. I’ll buy a table and hire someone.

Artemis – *muffled* Oh.. you are just the.  Right there.. So good.  I’m sure you hear this a lot but you’re a genius with those fingers.

Artemis – Oh yes.  Right there.  Get in there deep.  Use those elbows.  If I was in charge of my life right now and still a man, I would so be hitting on you.
Masseuse – Uh.  Ma’am?
Artemis – Nothing.

Artemis – Oh yeah.  That’s the stuff.  I feel so much better.
Masseuse – Okay this is awkward.
Artemis – Oh Whoops.  Pulled a Juli.  *awkward laughter*

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